小童防藍光眼鏡 送眼鏡盒及防滑耳扣! Child Blue light glasses - Free case and anti-slip ear clip!

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🇨🇭瑞士品牌 Shadez 抗藍光眼鏡!保護您孩子眼睛必備! 小孩子經常使用電子器材! 要好好保護您孩子的眼睛! 👀👀👀 瑞士 Switzerland 🇨🇭 品牌 台灣製造! 你的寶貝們 係咪 係咪成日對住電腦丶iPad 丶手提電話📲等等?? 長期使用呢類電子產品,有機會接觸過量藍光,令雙眼乾澀,視野模糊,除咗傷害到眼睛,影響視力之外,嚴重嘅更加會產生頭痛,影響睡眠😴,同埋會影響學習能力! 為減輕雙眼疲勞,一定要為佢哋配返一副優質嘅防藍光眼鏡🤓 今次推介呢款瑞士優質品牌SHADEZ抗藍光鏡,呢款防藍光鏡除咗可以阻隔33%有害藍光,仲可以100%防UVA和UVB紫外線,橡膠鏡框物料輕身又耐用,小朋友點拗點跌都唔容易折斷👍🏻,有CE 認證,符合歐盟安全標準🏅 珍貴的靈魂之窗要從小就該好好保護,SHADEZ是小小靈魂之窗的最佳守護者! 官方網站賣緊$388,而家超特價$298! 😎😎😎 兩種尺寸, 多達7個顏色可以選擇: 👉小童 3至7歲 (Junior 3-7 years) 👉中童 7至16歲 (Teeny 7-16 years) 🖤 黑色 - 沉實穩健形!形仔必備! 💖 粉紅色 - 浪漫聰敏形!女孩子最愛! 💙 藍色 - 活潑好動形!開心果必選! ❤️ 紅色 - 熱情勇敢形!個性堅強的你必選! 💚 薄荷綠色 - 健康沉實形! 男孩子必選! 💛 黃色 - 愉快開朗形!適合瀟灑的你! 💜 紫色 - 高貴優雅形! 適合有個性的你! 🤓 Clip on - 適合現時已配帶眼鏡的朋友仔! Protect your children’s eyes from the harmful effects of Blue Light with Shadez Blue Light Black Filter Glasses. Shadez Protective Blue light lenses have a special Ophthalmic protective coating designed to reflect and cut blue light penetration. Sources of harmful blue light include some electronic devices such as computers, tablets, smart phones, TVs, fluorescent lighting/LED lighting and the sun. Ideal for indoor office use and in low light or at night. Features: - Clinically proven to reduce eye fatigue, dry eyes and blurred vision - Special Ophthalmic protective coating - Designed to reflect and cut blue light penetration. - Stylish and suitable for everyday wear - Snug fit on the head, allows you to be active Details: Blue Light Filtration: 33% Frame Material Kids: TPEE (Rubber) Frame Material Adults: Polycarbonate Lenses Material: Polycarbonate BPA content: BPA Free UVA/UVB Filtration: 100% Category Protection: Cat. 0 Paint/Coating: Rubber Paint

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